
Meet Phani Gaddipati, the Winner of The AdMob Student App Challenge 2014

These days, many of the great mobile apps we enjoy using are thanks to the skill and imagination of young developers. That made us think: how can we encourage up-and-coming developers—like students—to build their brilliant ideas? So last November, we launched The AdMob Student App Challenge, inviting students from all over the world to build a great app, monetize it using the AdMob platform, and win awesome prizes.

Today, we’re pleased to bring you the story of the global winner, Phani Gaddipati, from Colorado, USA. Out of thousands of contestants, Phani took home the prize for his mobile app, Stacks Flashcards. The app lets people create electronic flashcards on any subject, quiz themselves, and analyze their performance. Learn more about what inspired Phani to build his app in the video below.

As part of the winning prize, Stacks Flashcards is being featured on the Google Play Store this week. And next time you’re studying for a test, try Phani’s app to see if it helps you score a higher grade.