Amy Shark’s latest hit music video, filmed on a Google Pixel 7 Pro
We were thrilled when we heard that Aussie music sensation Amy Shark was thinking about filming the music video for her latest track on a Google Pixel.
That’s exactly what she did for her new hit ‘Can I Shower At Yours’, which was filmed exclusively on a Google Pixel 7 Pro. With a pro-level triple camera system and the ability to record video with stunning quality, we were excited to watch Amy put the Pixel 7 Pro to the test and see what its camera was capable of in the hands of such an incredible artist.
We recently spoke with Amy about the story behind the song, what she’s up to, and what it was like filming her new music video using nothing but a smartphone:
What was the inspiration for the song?
'Can I Shower At Yours' is about the early stages of a relationship when your mind runs away from you and you let the butterflies in your stomach take over. It's about letting your guard down, giving in to vulnerability and looking a little bit pathetic.
What made you excited about filming the music video on a Google Pixel?
The idea of using a Google Pixel was a little nerve-wracking at the start because I'm so used to filming music videos on big cinema cameras, but once I let it marinate I was really excited about it. From the outset, there were so many creative options available to us that aren't necessarily there with a big, heavy camera. To create interesting angles and movement with a conventional camera rig usually takes a lot of set-up time and equipment but because we were filming on a Pixel that wasn't an issue on this shoot which was super exciting.
The Pixel 7 Pro filming Amy Shark’s new music video

What did you love most about the music video?
It feels edgy, current and super fun. It was amazing seeing how we took an empty Sydney warehouse and were able to create such a mood in the space with the lighting, reflective floor and indoor rain machine.
Were you surprised by how the video came out?
I actually wasn't that surprised at how the video turned out. You can tell on set when it's going well, and this went so smoothly. The footage looked great from the outset and it was clear that we had a really fun and visually engaging clip on our hands.
How do you use technology to capture the moments that matter to you?
I love using technology to be creative - whether it's making content or getting the first ideas of a song down. I think broadly all humans use technology the same - we all want the latest and greatest available.
What musicians are inspiring you at the moment?
Seeing what is happening around the world with Fred Again is pretty wild. He's changing the game!