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Canada Blog

An Update to our Canadian Creators and Users on Bill C-11

May 1, 2023:

Update: A few days ago, the Online Streaming Act passed through the Senate and received royal assent. While we are disappointed that the concerns of thousands of Canada’s digital creators and Canadian users were not reflected in the final outcome, we will continue to support our creators and users through the next steps in this process. When the Minister of Heritage issues the policy direction to the CRTC and the rulemaking phase begins, it will be critical that creators' concerns are heard, and that impacts to their livelihoods are considered. Creators looking to learn more can visit Digital First Canada for updates.

March 8, 2023:

Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with policymakers and creators on Canada’s Online Streaming Act, Bill C-11. During this time our focus has remained the same: to protect the livelihoods of thousands of digital Canadian creators, and preserve the authentic user experience that Canadians enjoy on YouTube today.

When the Bill moved through the Senate, there was an impressive effort to hear the concerns of digital creators and better understand how their businesses could be impacted. It has been inspiring to watch Canadian creators add their voice to the legislative process and claim their seat at the table. Creators have expertly defended their businesses as a key part of the creative economy, and it’s clear that the Senate heard them. To all the creators who stepped up to preserve the organic YouTube ecosystem, we thank you for sharing your concerns with lawmakers.

As a result of these efforts, the Senate adopted a helpful amendment to give improved guidance to the CRTC and better protect Canadian creators. Unfortunately, on March 7, the government gave notice of a motion that rejects the Senate amendment on user-generated content. After hundreds of thousands of letters to MPs, Senators, witness testimony and creator videos, it is deeply troubling that a reasonable compromise was rejected that not only responded to the concerns of Canada’s digital creators and users, but also reflected the government’s own stated intent with regards to user-generated content.

Late last year we took measures to let Canadians know what’s at stake with this Bill, because we have a responsibility to our Canadian viewers and creators to inform them of changes to their online experience. As we move into the final steps of the legislative process, and the rulemaking to come, we remain committed to supporting Canada’s YouTube community. So here’s what comes next.

What happens now?

Though entering the final stages, the legislative phase is not yet complete. Members of Parliament still have the chance to weigh in on the Government’s motion. And Canadians are calling on MPs to protect their online experience. If you’d like to add your voice to the conversation, there are a few ways to get involved. Creators can visit Digital First Canada to send a letter to their MP, Canadians can visit OpenMedia to email their MP, and everyone can make their voice heard on their social channels. Finally, after the House votes, the Senate has another opportunity to defend the protections it crafted for digital creators and insist on their inclusion in the legislation.

We’ve been part of the Canadian experience for over 15 years, and we’re so proud to be a platform that supports Canadian culture by connecting local creators with the world, and Canadians with the communities they care about. There is still time to ensure that Bill C-11 reflects the concerns of Canadian creators and users. Let’s preserve the magic of YouTube and move forward together.