Google Ads

5 ways marketers can protect their brands

eries of icons that indicate responsible advertising, including a lock, a checkmark, and a heart. All surrounding a simple representation of a person doing yoga in a YouTube video.
Screenshot of the excluded themes panel in Google Ads where advertisers can select the content themes they want to exclude.
A screenshot of estimated impact in the Google Ads content suitability center that shows how settings may affect the potential reach of campaigns.]
Inventory types in the Google Ads content suitability center to choose between expanded, standard, and limited inventory types.

More Information


Google Data, Global, Video Campaigns, Feb 2022 - Feb 2023


The Media Rating Council accreditation certifies that YouTube in-stream video ads and the Advertiser Safety Error Rate metric adhere to the industry standards for content level brand safety processes and controls. This applies to YouTube in-stream video inventory purchased through Google Ads, Display & Video 360, and YouTube Reserve services.


Google Internal Data, Global, 2021-2022