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Demand more from social with AI-powered ads

A graphic illustrating the multi-format nature of creator content in today’s media landscape.
A graphic featuring three consumer insights around creator content consumption behavior based on a survey conducted by Ipsos.
An animation featuring multiple advertiser quotes about Demand Gen from X
An image featuring Naranja X and their campaign performance results
An image showcasing the user experience of the latest reporting experience in Demand Gen
An image showcasing Samsung’s quote about Demand Gen
An image showcasing PHD Media’s quote about Demand Gen

More Information


Google/Ipsos, U.S., Ipsos YouTube Trend Survey, n=1,872. Q: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to online creators? Agree that they like the convenience of being able to watch different video formats all on one platform (e.g., TikTok, YouTube, Instagram), May 2023.


Google/Ipsos, Video & Social Ad Impact Study, July 2023, online survey, n=1751 US online users 18-54 who use social apps/sites monthly or more often (social apps/sites: Discover, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat).


Google/Ipsos, Video & Social Ad Impact Study, July 2023, online survey, n=1751 US online users 18-54 who use social apps/sites monthly or more often (social apps/sites: Discover, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat).


Google/Ipsos, Video & Social Ad Impact Study, July 2023-August 2023, online survey, n=13328 US, UK, BR, FR, DE, IT, JP online users 18-54 who use social apps/sites monthly or more often (social apps/sites: Discover, YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat).