Brush up on your office lingo with Biz Jargon voice navigation

As the sunny summer days come to a close, it’s time to take down your out-of-office email response, dust off your keyboard, and get back to business. Waze is here to help you brush up on your office lingo – the good, the funny and the ridiculous. Inspired by offices everywhere (both virtual and physical) the latest experience from Waze pokes fun at the people we can all become at work — acronym-slinging, jargon-parroting, catchphrase machines.
Starting today on Waze, you’ll be able to set “Biz Jargon” as your voice navigation for some relatable (maybe too relatable) laughs as you hear “Make a U-turn: Or what I call ‘circling back’” or “Sorry, I was on mute, are we waiting for anyone else?”
Select your business-time Mood when you choose between Productive, Unproductive, All Business or Business Casual. And don’t forget to update your vehicle to a Paper Airplane — otherwise known as our Interoffice Memo — to set the full office mood.
Activate the Biz Jargon experience by visiting Waze or clicking “My Waze” in your Waze app and tap the “Drive with Biz Jargon” banner to activate. It’s available globally, in English (US & UK) and French, for a limited time.