Back to school with Google for Education
As the 2018 school year kicks off we’re counting down some of last year’s education highlights
Bag packed, pencils labelled and lunchbox ready… As students start returning to school this week, we’re taking a look back at five of the top Google for Education moments from 2017 in Australia and New Zealand.
In 2017...
1. Educators were empowered to teach digital skills, with new professional development programs and resources. We awarded 22 Computer Science for High Schools (CS4HS) grants in Australia and 5 CS4HS grants in New Zealand and launched Careers with Code 2017 to every high school in Australia and New Zealand. We also saw 20,000 teachers enroll in the CSER MOOCs.
2. In New Zealand, we worked with the government to implement the digital technologies curriculum and hosted a ceremony for recent graduates of Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy - a program which provides new teachers with a year of teaching and training in a full immersion digital environment.
3. Online safety is front and centre for students, parents and teachers and we supported partners to develop online wellbeing programs for young people, including Project Rockit TV; a series of short videos addressing issues such as bullying and online behaviour. Kiwi students also had access to an online cyber bullying quiz to gain their digital license with the launch of the program in New Zealand, while the Generation Next seminar series and accompanying YouTube channel provided resources to empower students as ambassadors for mental health and wellbeing within their schools.
4. Schools told us that they wanted to learn more about Google’s education tools, so we visited classrooms from Bendigo to Rotorua during the Google Reimagining Education with Technology tour across 12 cities. Thousands of educators shared and learned together at Education On Air and EduTECH.
5. Last but not least, Chromebooks arrived in more classrooms, helping students access learning opportunities and supporting innovative teaching approaches. In New Zealand, Chromebooks were named as the number one selling education device in schools, while in Australia, all secondary students across Canberra Public Schools will receive a Chromebook, starting in Term 1 2018. Globally, more than 25 million students are using Chromebooks and over 30 million teachers and students use Google Classroom.
We’re always inspired by the great work that educators and students do - both inside and outside of the classroom - and we look forward to supporting innovation in education in 2018 and beyond.
There goes the school bell!