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Learning & Education

New grants to build opportunity and diversity in STEM education

An image of teachers undergoing a training program

In order to meet future economic demands, Australia needs to produce more science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) graduates than ever before. Those with STEM qualifications are the developers of new technologies, they’re the problem solvers and they’re creating jobs that have never before existed. It’s important that everyone in Australia and New Zealand has the opportunity to engage with STEM and be a part of our digital future.

Building a diverse workforce starts with our schools and teachers and, unfortunately, not all students have the same opportunities. In the areas of science and maths, students in regional areas are 1.5 years behind their metropolitan counterparts. One reason for this is that rural schools have fewer dedicated and qualified STEM teachers, and those teachers have fewer opportunities for professional development (PD).

Google’s Educator PD Grants program is focused on providing regional teachers and those from low-socioeconomic schools with the opportunity to engage with Digital Technologies PD.

An image depicting teachers at a recent training program