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Google launches Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

Artwork by Jessica Johnson, descendent of the Warumungu/Wombaya people north of Tennant Creek, commissioned for Google’s Stretch RAP. In the artist's words “It celebr
Artwork by Jessica Johnson

Google Australia is today announcing the launch of our third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) - our first ever Stretch RAP.

We were honoured to have valued partners from across Australia join us in the Google Sydney office today to mark this milestone on our journey to support a strong, inclusive digital future for all people in Australia.

  • Google Australia's Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan working group at the launch event today

    Google Australia's RAP working group at the launch event today

  • Jannawi Dance Clan at the launch of Google's Stretch RAP

    Jannawi Dance Clan at the launch of Google's Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

  • Soju Gang at the launch of Google Australia's Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

    Soju Gang performs at the launch of Google Australia's Stretch RAP

  • The launch of Google Australia's Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

    Poet and MC Kirli Saunders presenting at the launch event

  • The launch of Google Australia's Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

    Google Australia VP & Managing Director Mel Silva excited about the launch of Google's Stretch RAP

Our commitment to reconciliation

It’s been 20 years since Google started in Australia, and over five years since we've made formal commitments with our first Reconciliation Action Plan. As we embark on the next decade, we want to push ourselves to do more and challenge each other to identify, commit and deliver on unique ways that we can support reconciliation.

It also means taking action by creating an internal culture that builds for everyone, helps everyone and supports diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone.

A key part of delivering on our mission to organise and make information universally accessible is to ensure that we give people a voice and place to belong, which this RAP helps to bring to life. It’s a truly local application of our global racial equity commitment to advance the needs and share the stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

  • Google Doodle artwork to celebrate Pearl Gibbs “Gambanyi”;

    Illustrated by Yuwi, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander guest artist Dylan Mooney, this Doodle celebrates revolutionary Aboriginal Australian activist Pearl Gibbs “Gambanyi”, who is widely regarded among the 20th-century’s leading advocates for Aboriginal rights.

  • Google Doodle artwork to celebrate Lionel Rose

    Illustrated by Sydney, Australia-based guest artist Mark Munk Ross, this Doodle celebrates Indigenous Australian world champion bantamweight boxer Lionel Rose.

  • Google Doodle artwork to celebrate Dr. James “Jimmy” Oswald Little;

    Illustrated by guest artist Dixon Patten—a traditional descendant from the Gunnai, Yorta Yorta, Gunditjmara, and Dhuduroa people—this Doodle celebrates Indigenous Australian singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and advocate Dr. James “Jimmy” Oswald Little.

People, products and platforms
Millions of Australians visit our platforms every day which means Google has a unique ability to contribute towards reconciliation - a responsibility that we’re taking seriously.

We are doing this by engaging with our people, building products in an inclusive way and by leveraging our platforms to create meaningful change.

  1. People are at the centre of our approach. We want to lead by example in building strong and respectful relationships with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, stakeholders and organisations; and providing career and supplier opportunities.
  2. We are also committed to building products in an inclusive way, which includes launching features like Real Tone on Google Pixel to address racial bias, or partnering with Welcome to Country to showcase cultural experiences through Google Arts & Culture.
  3. Finally, we want to use our platforms to help drive meaningful change - this means partnering with Indigenous Australians and businesses to enable change and using programs like Grow with Google to help Indigenous Australian small businesses owners to expand online.
Google ad featuring Danzal Baker (aka Baker Boy)

To celebrate how Australians can help others thrive with a little help from products like Google Search & Maps, we collaborated with Danzal Baker (aka Baker Boy), a Yolngu man & Australia's first Yolngu Matha rapper, to share the story of a mentor who helps a rising musical talent seize her moment.]

Building on our vision

In our Stretch RAP, we are making over 50 commitments to help advance reconciliation, building on the progress Google Australia has made to date. At the centre of many of these commitments are strong partnerships. Looking ahead, we will continue to partner with Indigenous academics, inventors, artists and athletes. And continue teaming up with - and learning from - Indigenous Australian organisations to provide tools, products and opportunities that benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We support the Uluru Statement of the Heart, and believe that a Constitutional Voice to Parliament, within broader reforms to enable Voice, Truth and Treaty, will lead to better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

While we’ve made progress since our first RAP, we recognise there is much more to do, and we are ready to work with all Australians in advancing reconciliation.