Google Canada’s Community Grants - Apply now!
Calling all Toronto, Montreal and Kitchener-Waterloo non-profits! Google Canada is thrilled to announce that our Community Grant Applications are open once again for applicants!
We are looking for organizations who are moving the needle in the following areas:
- Delivering or promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) or Computer Science (CS) Education for K-12 students, especially among underserved communities (at-risk youth, New Canadians, girls, Aboriginals and youth from low-socioeconomic households)
- Closing the digital divide by helping to improve access to technology to those who do not have regular access.
Applications are due September 1st, 2015 and any registered Canadian charity is eligible to apply. If your organization has a project or program underway in one of our focus areas please submit your application online through one of our three community programs depending on your location:
- Montreal Community Grant Application (FR)
- Toronto Community Grant Application
- Kitchener-Waterloo Community Grant Application
Community Grant Recipient Profile: Ladies Learning Code
Ladies Learning Code received a Google Community Grant in 2014. In partnership with Big Brother Big Sisters, the organization launched a Girls Learning Code Evening Program in Toronto for girls ages 8 - 13. Designed to inspire girls to become passionate builders and creators of technology, 30 girls who would not otherwise have the means to learn these valuable technical skills, attended the twelve week program. According to Melissa Sarriffodeen the co-founder of Ladies Learning Code, the grant offered an opportunity to create, test and refine its program. And based on its learnings from the grant-funded project, Ladies Learning Code is hoping to expand this program to its 22 chapter cities across Canada. As Melissa puts it: “We’re just getting started!”
When Google evaluates proposals, we look at impact first. We’re looking for projects which are at the community level but have scale and sustainability. We don’t tend to fund applications for short-term employment positions or office overhead costs (rent, utilities, etc).
If your organization has a plan to make a difference in these communities and fits our guidelines, please submit your proposal today.