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YouTube shines a spotlight on the Canadian Federal Election

Whether it’s a crash course on the Greek economic crisis through the lens of a gyro lunch, or turning the tables on a political opponent with a bit of cell phone-destroying comedy, YouTube is a powerful platform for political engagement. When it comes to having a voice in our democracy, it levels the playing-field – anyone with a webcam and an internet connection can be seen, heard and make a difference.

As we head towards our own moment at the polls this fall, online video will be a major source of news, commentary and insight.

To make it easier for Canadians of all ages to discover online videos about the Federal Election, we’re launching a new YouTube Canada Elections Hub. Our channel will highlight video content from a variety of Canadian news sources in the lead up to the election. Into this mix we’ll also add topical vlogs from Canada’s YouTube Creators, along with user-generated content from the campaign trail.

Curated by Storyful, the team behind our popular YouTube Newswire service, The YouTube Canada Elections Hub will spotlight top trending video content on a daily basis, giving Canadians a one-stop shop to start exploring the latest videos from across the country and across the political spectrum.

YouTube shines a spotlight on the Canadian Federal Election

On the YouTube Canada Elections Hub you’ll find:

  • Video content from news media across the country
  • Content and campaign videos from political parties
  • Live streams of the federal leaders’ debates
  • Topical vlogs and commentary from YouTube creators
  • Weekly themed playlists on key election issues
  • Breaking election trends and viral videos 

So get engaged in the issues that matter to you - Subscribe to the YouTube Canada Elections Hub to be notified when new trending videos are posted, and stay tuned for more updates from Google Canada on the ways we’re helping Canadians stay educated and engaged as we head towards the polls on October 19th.