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India Blog

About the Blog

Welcome to the Google India blog – our destination for the latest news updates and stories from inside Google India.

Our Google India blog dates back to 2008 – at a time when the country had just 45 million internet users, 3G was the buzzword in the Indian mobile space, and smartphones were just about becoming a thing. The nation has come a long way since, and Google in India has too. We’ve published thousands of posts across a large number of topics. In 2021 we redesigned our blog to bring you a fresher, more intuitive website that enables you to stay updated on Google in India more easily than ever.

From the latest product news such as our devices, Ads, and Cloud, to information on topics like AI Education and Company announcements, you’ll find it all here – categorized for quick and easy access. Our blog is designed to guide you to the big news of the week, as well as give you access to our posts from the past. And everything comes with bigger, more beautiful images, videos and slideshows.If you were a loyal follower of our previous blog, don’t worry. While we now have an all-new design, we’ve made sure you can still dig in on a particular topic, and all your old bookmarks and feeds will redirect to the appropriate pages.

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