Google Marketing Platform

Connect with high-quality publishers and broadcasters in Display & Video 360’s Inventory module

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This is the fifth post in a series about Display & Video 360 innovations.

Display & Video 360 is organized around five integrated modules that work together to simplify the end-to-end campaign process: Campaigns, Audiences, Creatives, Inventory and Insights. Today you’ll learn more about new capabilities of the Inventory module, where media teams can browse a diverse marketplace of media across formats, devices, and screens, then easily negotiate and manage campaigns with a range of deal types—from open auction to Programmatic Guaranteed.

A diverse mix of inventory across all channels and devices—including connected TV

The Inventory module is home to an array of premium digital inventory across devices and screens, such as mobile web and app, and connected TV. It also includes high-quality TV inventory via over-the-top video streams and traditional linear TV.

With Display & Video 360, you can access YouTube, Gmail and Waze (both currently in beta), and Google Partner Inventory alongside cross-exchange display and video inventory in a single buying tool. YouTube inventory includes all TrueView formats and YouTube Reserve inventory, including Google Preferred. You can also access digital audio ad inventory from Google Play Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, TuneIn—and now, Pandora and AdsWizz. This offers brands the opportunity to bring audio, display, and video campaigns together in one place, and connect with audiences in various moments throughout the day.

To make sure you can reach people in all environments, Display & Video 360 gives you access to national, local, and addressable linear TV inventory through integrations with clypd, WideOrbit, and Google Fiber (all currently in beta). You can also access premium TV content on connected TVs, such as programming from CBS, AMC, A+E, MLB.TV, and many more.

Quality, brand-safe inventory

No matter what inventory they choose, media teams can be sure they are in control of the ads they're buying and where they're running. Display & Video 360 offers advanced fraud prevention, viewability, and verification to give media buying teams more confidence and control.

Display & Video 360’s fraud prevention uses over 180 sophisticated filters, a global team of experts, and manual reviews in an effort to prevent you from paying for invalid clicks, impressions, views, or interactions. In addition, buyers will receive refunds for invalid traffic that is detected by Google up to 30 days after monthly billing and meets other criteria.

To ensure you’re buying inventory only from the actual sites where you intended your ads to appear, the ads.txt authorized-only inventory control enables you to run campaigns on sites that support ads.txt authorized inventory—and exclude inventory from sites without the file. And, with built-in Active View viewability targeting and optimization, you can be confident that your ads are seen, not just served.

Run campaigns only on sites that support ads.txt with the Authorized Seller targeting control

Authorized Seller Targeting in Display & Video 360

Display & Video 360 also includes brand suitability controls for pre- and post-bid blocking, and third-party verification capabilities so you can pinpoint where your ads ran.

Flexible access to inventory via all transaction types

By using the Inventory module, you can organize and align all of your media buys for a campaign—across transaction types and inventory sources—so you can spend your budget most efficiently and ensure you get the best outcomes from your investment.

For example, Marketplace is a shoppable storefront for your programmatic campaigns. It helps you discover great inventory, negotiate deals directly, and manage all of your deals in one place. Marketplace also now includes recommendations, which highlight sets of premium inventory to help you discover and execute on high-quality publishers and packaged deals. And, by using the new bulk Request for Proposal (RFP) feature and unified negotiations workflow, you can request and negotiate with all publishers directly in Display & Video 360, regardless of the monetization platform they use. This allows you to seamlessly move from RFP to negotiation to deal execution.

Marketplace helps you quickly and easily find the right inventory for your campaign goals and settings

Display & Video 360 Marketplace in Inventory Module

Programmatic Guaranteed in Marketplace enables reservation media to be bought in a more simple, efficient, and effective way than ever before. In addition to YouTube and premium publishers using Google Ad Manager, Programmatic Guaranteed is also available for third-party exchanges including Rubicon Project and SmartRTB, increasing the amount of premium reservation inventory available to be transacted programmatically. And you can manage reach and frequency together across all of your direct and open auction buys.

You can also build your own Guaranteed Packages in Marketplace, enabling you to bring together inventory by requesting certain publishers and specifying audience criteria and campaign details. Then, Display & Video 360 automates the sourcing and matching of inventory to suggest a packaged deal across multiple publishers, and offer a guaranteed CPM.

The Inventory module in Display & Video 360 helps you easily find and discover high-quality inventory from top broadcasters and publishers, Google media, and curated inventory packs. We’re continuing to invest in ways to help you provide more relevant and useful ads to consumers, no matter where they choose to engage.

Missed the other posts in this series? Catch up now and read about new innovations for each of the Display & Video 360 modules:

And, download our guide on the benefits of end-to-end campaign management.