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Australia Blog

OK Google, open the new Google Melbourne office!

Where can you find The ‘G, Flinders Street and the Yarra Valley all under one roof? At the new Google Melbourne office, of course!

We were delighted to welcome Victorian business partners, community groups and government representatives to celebrate the official opening of the new Google Melbourne office on Collins Street last night.

The Victorian Minister for Small Business; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Trade and Investment, Philip Dalidakis MP, kicked off celebrations with the command “OK Google, open the Google Melbourne office”.

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The new office, with more than 100 desks, has work spaces named after local landmarks and uniquely Melbourne features, including a graffiti wall.

From just 4 people when Google Melbourne began a few years ago, we now have more than 50 staff today and space to expand the team. We’re growing because our partners - local businesses and community groups - are growing.

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More than 200,000 Victorian businesses use Google to connect with customers in Australia and around the world, and those businesses see almost $4 billion of benefits generated by using Google products and services (alphaBeta).

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We look forward to continuing to work with our amazing Melbourne partners and sharing our new office space with them and the local community.