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Our Senate testimony on Bill C-18

ISSUE: Putting a price on links breaks Search and the internet for everyone CONCERN: Overrides copyright law and incentivizes clickbait content FIX: Limit to “Displaying News Content” + clarify that copyright norms still apply

Requiring payment for “making news content available” puts a price on links, which breaks the foundation of the open web. It creates a cost for simply providing Canadians with links to the information they’re searching for, disregards the existing value of traffic generated for news publishers, and incentivizes volume of content over quality content (ie. clickbait over journalism). It’s also inconsistent with copyright law and norms.

We recommend revising the bill to preserve existing copyright exceptions and ensure payment obligations are triggered by “displaying” news content in ways not included in those exceptions. This eliminates payment for links and leaves reasonable copyright balances intact.

ISSUE: Exemption is unclear and near impossible to obtain + processes outlined for dispute resolution likely violate basic procedural fairness CONCERN: Disincentivizes good-faith negotiations and slows the flow of money to publishers FIX: Revise to standard commercial arbitration, and establish clear/workable exemption criteria

Unreasonable “Dispute Resolution” and “Exemption” criteria leave Digital News Intermediaries with an extreme level of business uncertainty and uncapped financial liability, making it difficult to continue to work in good faith to reach agreements with publishers, and potentially impacting how news content is made available to Canadians.

To ensure fair and balanced outcomes for all, dispute resolutions should follow standard commercial arbitration rules with expedited timelines, and directions to the arbitration panel should be removed. The exemption criteria must be clear, numerical, and apply to all obligations. In keeping with the spirit of C-18, it should only require agreements with outlets that produce news and are online.

ISSUE: Extremely broad and inconsistent ENB eligibility criteria CONCERN: No consistent requirement that outlet produces news or adheres to journalistic standards, and no guarantee funding flows to journalism FIX: Streamline eligibility criteria and ensure funding be allocated to journalism

The Bill contains varying standards of eligibility criteria, applied differently across publications in order for them to qualify as an “Eligible News Business”. This leads to complex and inconsistent standards. Additionally, there’s no requirement that funding be allocated to journalism.

To ensure the Bill effectively and equitably supports quality journalism, eligibility criteria should be streamlined so all outlets are required to produce news content and adhere to a recognized code of ethics in order to qualify. And, it is essential that any funds received be allocated to journalism.

ISSUE: Prevents elevating trusted sources CONCERN: Creates liability for elevating authoritative information and empowers bad actors FIX: Strike or limit Undue Preference

“Undue Preference” is a concept built for traditional broadcast models, not today’s open web. It creates the risk of liability for elevating authoritative information in Search results, preventing Google and other platforms from prioritizing trustworthy sources of information over bad actors. This makes Search less useful and less safe for Canadians.

The “Undue Preference” provision should be removed, or explicitly limited to only prohibit “Unjust Discrimination,” and not apply to standard ranking or recommendation activities.