Google Ad Manager

Four ways to build for streaming video in 2023

Image showing the year 2023 on a TV screen
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Improve your monetization with actionable insights

Data is only useful when it has meaning. To help you make informed business decisions and uncover new opportunities, Ad Manager provides holistic, actionable data and customizable insights. Video true opportunities reporting offers video specific, time-based metrics to help you accurately measure and forecast every ad break. Homepage insight cards like programmatic health insights can help you better identify ways to improve the performance of your inventory.

Troubleshooting can be challenging on CTV due to device fragmentation and limited client-side visibility. That’s why we’ve built CTV-first solutions to help you surface and troubleshoot delivery errors. You can inspect video ad tags to better understand the ad selection process, and use our new VAST error insight card to identify errors impacting your ad delivery. To stay on top of your campaign performance, set up video performance alerts to proactively monitor for delivery trends and send timely notifications right to your inbox. If you want to learn more read our blog post on Ad Manager’s video reporting solutions and end to end analytics.

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Optimize yield for every ad break

Building an effective monetization strategy for CTV can be complex. That’s why we’ve built solutions to make it easier for you to optimize yield wherever your viewers are watching. Ad Manager’s comprehensive monetization controls and advanced delivery logic powered by Google’s artificial intelligence and machine learning can maximize your revenue across reservation and programmatic inventory.

For example, optimized podding maximizes the fill rate and revenue of every ad break. It even works within our Ad break templates solution which provides TV-like controls across every commercial break. Our enhanced pricing rules offer flexibility, so you can set prices based on ad duration and skippability that better segment your inventory for programmatic buyers. And last year, we updated our Programmatic Access Library SDK by integrating Google Ads demand to increase competition for your inventory.

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Meet your business goals with flexible integrations

Fragmentation in CTV devices, the move to server-side technologies, and evolving business and industry standards require that your video solution can connect with other technologies in the ecosystem. That’s why we’ve invested in solutions that give you the flexibility to integrate with both Google and third-party video technologies making it easy to fit Ad Manager into any of your streaming workflows.

If you already use server-side ad insertion for your CTV inventory, you can integrate our Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) Pod Serving solution into your workflow to take advantage of Google’s advanced monetization and seamless ad delivery. DAI pod serving lets you keep ownership of the video stream playback order (the video manifest) while benefiting from Ad Manager’s ad pod building logic and creative conditioning to make sure you deliver the best ad experience across your video streams.

We also built out a full suite of inventory sharing tools to help you integrate with third-party ad platforms so you can maximize your distribution and easily manage your carriage agreements globally. Last year we expanded our inventory sharing capability to support Ad Manager-to-third-party ad server sharing in EMEA and enabled Ad Manager-to-Ad Manager sharing globally.

Lastly, if you sell ads for your content on YouTube, YouTube Consolidated Report allows you to see Google Sold and Partner Sold impressions across your YouTube inventory all in one place. This report allows you to efficiently find unsold inventory and gives you more flexibility in the way you sell on Google platforms.

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Prepare for the new privacy landscape

Finally, as the privacy landscape evolves, you need future-proof technologies that help you protect user privacy while still delivering the best ads experience in CTV. That’s why Google has invested in solutions to help you monetize your first-party audiences and contextual data.

In the long term, we believe contextual signals will help you create new value for your inventory. With our content ingestion system you can seamlessly upload your content metadata and soon, you’ll be able to scale your contextual data programmatically using publisher provided signals. Read our blog to learn more about ways to manage your first-party data with Ad Manager.

With another year of streaming growth behind us, we look forward to helping publishers succeed in 2023. Stay tuned to find out how Google Ad Manager can help you build for the future of video streaming.