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Indie Games Accelerator: Calling indie game developers from Southeast Asia, India and Pakistan

Do you believe you have what it takes to make the next big mobile game? If you do, listen up! We’re offering developers in Asia a chance to perfect your mobile game with Google Play’s first Indie Games Accelerator program. If your gaming startup is based in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam, and you want to supercharge your growth, you can learn more and apply for the Indie Games Accelerator by July 31.

We’re always looking for new ways to support developers. So, as a special edition of the Launchpad Accelerator, we’re announcing a new-four month Indie Gaming Accelerator to train promising developers from these countries in Asia so they can successfully build, scale, launch and market the next generation of hit mobile games.

Developers accepted into the program will be matched with the best of Google—our people, network, insights and technology—while attending two all-expenses-paid gaming bootcamps at the Google Asia-Pacific office in Singapore, where they will receive personalized mentorship from Google teams and industry experts. Additional benefits include Google Cloud Platform credits and invites to exclusive Google and industry events. We’ll announce the developers accepted into the program on August 8.

There are many passionate gamers in Asia. The talented mobile game developers in the region have a tremendous opportunity to build apps and deliver experiences that entertain, educate and inspire. We look forward to seeing you get your game on with your application!

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