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Google for Brazil 2023: Technology at the service of Brazilians

Fabio Coelho, a white man wearing a black suit in onstage in front of an audience. In the back, there’s a screen with a pink background and his name and occupation title.
Fabio Coelho on stage at Google for Brazil

The new Google office in São Paulo draws inspiration from the city, especially its rivers.

The reception of Google's new office in São Paulo where you can see the Google logo, some sofas, plants and a large glass window

Brazil will be the first country to have the option to pay using QR Code via Google Wallet.

Animation showing how to pay with QR Code via Google Walle

Unemployment insurance information is now available on Search.

Google Search page with results showing highlight unemployment insurance

A new database now includes 40,000 health centers and vaccination stations on Maps and Search.

There are two phone screens, one with a panel with information about a health center; the other, includes a map with the location of a number of health centers in São Paulo.

Plus Codes at Favela dos Sonhos, in São Paulo. Credit: Laércio Barauna/naPorta

A man hangs a Plus Codes sign on the wall of a house in Favela dos Sonhos.

In partnership with O Boticário and eCycle, Google Maps and Search show the location and up-to-date information on 3,500 recycling points throughout Brazil.

Animation showing how to find the recycling points for plastic bottles in the city of São Paulo on Google Maps.

Immersive View shows a 3D rendering of MASP (Museum of Art of São Paulo).

Animation shows the Immersive View experience, in this case about Masp, the São Paulo Museum in 3D.

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