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Bay View is open — the first campus built by Google

An aerial photo of three large canopies that are covered in solar panels.
An aerial photo of Google’s Bay View campus

A bird’s-eye view of the second floor workspace at Bay View shows how thousands of Googlers can be in a connected space with individual team neighborhoods under an inspiring canopy. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

Bay View’s mothership stair and the second-floor team neighborhoods. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

The outdoor courtyard between Bay View’s two primary buildings shows Google’s focus on connecting employees with nature. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

Bay View, as seen from across its stormwater retention pond with a sunburst coming through the clerestory windows of the canopy. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

With Bay View, a first-of-its-kind building-integrated solar panel called ‘dragonscale’ was developed to create a seamless design. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

Bay View sits in the foreground with parts of Google’s Mountain View campus and the San Francisco Bay in the distance. (Photo: Iwan Baan)

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