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The Keyword

5 pointers from Google’s productivity expert’s new book

Illustration of various Google product icons: Docs checklist, Chrome browser, chat icons, Google Calendar dates, alongside drawings of paper airplanes, a moon and clouds, and in the center an abstract illustration of a time.

Tackle your top priorities during your Power Hours.

An illustration of a calendar entry showing a time blocked out as 'Power Hours' with the description 'Work on project proposal.'

Associating certain locations with particular work trains your brain to easily slip into activities.

An illustration of a floorplan, with different areas highlighted in red, green, blue, yellow, and gray labeled 'client calls,’ 'email,’ 'rest,’ 'code,' and 'eat' respectively.

Sort emails like you’d sort your laundry.

An illustration with three laundry baskets each with an email in them labeled 'respond,’ 'read,’ and 'revisit.’

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