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¡Buen Camino! Your pilgrimage starts here

15 Things You May Not Know About the Camino,’ an illustrated map of St James Way’s routes in Europe, with quirky facts about the Camino.

Where does the name Compostela come from? – ‘Ten things you didn't know about the Way of Saint James,’ helps you to answer that question.

They can also find stories that focus on people and their relationship with the Way of Saint James, which include ‘Meet Yoon,’ a Korean who fell in love with the Way and who runs a restaurant in Santiago de Compostela…

…or ‘Persons who work on the Way,’ which shows the stories of people whose jobs are linked to the Way of Saint James in one way or another

The project also shows the Way of Saint James as accessible pilgrimage routes and includes features such as a guide via pictograms to do the Way to Santiago, a barrier-free route to do the Way in a wheelchair or the Way of diversity, with tips to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy the experience.

Virtual pilgrims can choose between different routes to start their journey, such as the Primitive Way, used by the first pilgrims,

The Northern Way that guides travelers from the sea,

The French Way, the most famous and historic route,

The English Way, a route by land and sea,

The Portuguese Way, one of the oldest routes,

The Coastal Portuguese Way, a route along the dramatic coastal landscape, one of Galicia’s best-kept secret,

The Mozarabic Way, a route that brings together southern and northern roots,

The Winter Way, a route through the unrivaled beauty of Galicia’s valleys,

The Sea Route of Arousa and the Ulla River, a maritime and river route

The Finisterre-Muxía Way, a route that guides you to Eruope’s western edge.

Galician music: The soundtrack of the Way of Saint James,’ a selection of modern music that explores a range of reinterpretations of the music of Galicia, from traditional music to folk, jazz, electro, trap and rock;

or the exhibition ‘Other kinds of architectural heritage on the Way of Saint James,’ which shows users some of the most surprising and best kept secrets of the religious heritage of the Ways: some are famous, some are odd.

Finally, everyone can also enjoy virtual 360º tours to immerse themselves in places such as the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela,

the Tower of Hércules, the only fully preserved Roman lighthouse that is still used for maritime signaling,

or the Vilar de Donas Church, a taste of art and history along the French Way.

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