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Faces of Frida: a digital retrospective on Google Arts & Culture

Learn more about iconic locations from Frida’s life. Use Street View to explore La Casa Azul (“The Blue House”), the place where Frida was born, lived, and took her final breath.

Zoom in on the exquisite details of The Dreamnever before published online.

Discover rough drafts history has kept hidden. Sketch for Self-Portrait with Airplane is an inverse portrait sketched on the back of the more famous Portrait of Virginia.

Painting was cathartic for Kahlo. However, writing and keeping a diary also helped her to establish a relationship with herself, and to find a way of expressing her afflictions during the final 10 years of her life.

Frida Kahlo’s open exploration of sexuality is part of her legacy. Read about how Frida inspires LGBTQ artists, in their own words.

Uncover unfamiliar pieces by searching through Frida Kahlo’s artwork by color, using Google’s machine learning technology.

See the finest details of Self-Portraitdedicated to Leon Trotsky, captured by Art Camera. Kahlo had an affair with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, who briefly lived at her home. The letter reads, "To Leon Trotsky, with all my love, I dedicate this painting on 7th November 1937. Frida Kahlo in Saint Angel, Mexico"

Frida Kahlo’s portrait

first appeared in Vogue in 1937. Explore the artist’s lasting impact on fashion in an exhibit developed by Conde Nast.

Learn more about one of art history’s most famous couples, through contributions from the archives of the Museo Estudio Diego Rivera.

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