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Journey to ancient Egypt in Return of the Cat Mummy

Game poster showing the title “Return of the Cat Mummy” and different characters found in the game. In the center the cat mummy is extending its paw to touch a canopic jar.

Start the video game at the river with nine lives, collecting items for the mummification ceremony.

Cats were important in ancient Egypt. People dedicated mummified cats at the sanctuary of the cat goddess Bastet as offerings.

As pets, they were mummified and sometimes placed in tombs with their owners so they could remain together in the afterlife.

Bastet is the goddess of protection, mothers, children and bringer of good health, known for nurturing and motherly qualities.

Bastet was a guardian from evil, and was often featured on amulets and talismans.

In the game’s final level, the cat mummy is chased by the Lord of Chaos, Apep, to try and stop it from achieving its goal. This depiction shows a cat killing the serpent, Apep.

After successfully completing the game, the cat mummy accompanies the pharaoh in their journey to the afterlife, armed with the collected items for a safe passage.

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