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Uncovering overlooked stories of women

Black and white photograph of women arm-in-arm as they parade down Fifth Avenue in New York on the 50th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment. Bright green paint marks cover the eyes of the women.

2017 Women’s March held in Washington, DC

Photograph of the women’s march in Washington, DC in 2017. Crowd shown of people wearing pink hats and holding signs reading “Women count,” “Resist” and “Yes we can.”

Uncover women’s history

Have you heard of Rosalind Franklin, the woman who helped discover DNA? What about the curious tale of history’s most successful pirate, Zheng Yi Sao? Learn about the achievements of these forgotten trailblazers and more women who made history.

Her Own Muse: a new virtual exhibition of art by women around the world

Screenshot from inside the new Google Arts & Culture virtual gallery that includes artworks by women from around the world, showing the entrance room titled “Pioneers” and two further rooms, one titled “To the future”

Mathematician Annie Easley at NASA

Photograph of mathematician Annie Easley, holding a clipboard and standing in front of a switchboard.

Discover women in STEM

Across science, natural history, environmentalism, healthcare and more, celebrate the contributions of women in science, from Ada Lovelace, the world’s first programmer, to Mae C. Jeminson, the first African American woman to travel in space. The Smithsonian are also helping to fill in the gaps of history with Machine learning tools that allow curators to recover American women’s history using data from their collection.

Jeju Haenyeo, the professional women divers from Jeju Island, South Korea

hotograph of the Jeju Haenyeo, the women divers of Jeju Island in South Korea, walking through a field in their diving kit

Explore women’s communities

Meet the Jeju Haenyeo, an all-women diving community who fish for up to seven hours a day. Gain some wisdom from the Khasi community, whose matrilineal society has built a thriving system of women supporting women. Discover how these and more communities of women come together through crafts, traditions, and culture.

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