Why Do We? - Answers to art & culture over tea

The past twelve months have been incredibly troubling — so staggeringly hard, so tragic, so challenging — but we have not walked alone.
As a historian, I know we’re at our strongest if we look forward and back. Through 70,000 years of our shared human experience, we’ve been forced to deal with plague, pandemic, isolation, trauma, and fear of the unknown. And we’ve tried, together, to find solutions and paths through phenomenal life challenges. Because we often create our way out of a crisis, we can see the way women and men across the world have worked through big life questions in science, technology, art and culture from prehistory to the present.
When the pandemic locked us up a year ago, we had to travel in our minds. For me, less time on the road meant more inspiring digital conversations with friends. Exploring Google Arts & Culture's online collections, I wanted to spend a few minutes — a brain-refreshing tea break — to call on the know-how of friends and experts and dive into some of life's big questions.
So we came up with Tea with B, a 5-episode series to explore these questions with guest stars ranging from authors, comedians, and poets.
These chats have been a joy, a chance to explore our shared human story across thousands of years. Whether locked down or liberated, I’m definitely planning more. I want to explore questions like what love means, why we play sports, why we love baking bread, why we’re addicted to music — the list is endless. Because even when our bodies aren’t free, our minds can be!