4 ways to use polling in Google Classroom
Google Classroom helps teachers and students communicate and learn together. Today we’re making the learning process even easier with a new polling feature that helps teachers quickly check for understanding, gather feedback or gauge interest. Here are four creative ways teachers are using polling in their classrooms.

1. Post exit tickets
Cindy Nordstrom, a teacher at Oak Ridge Elementary School in Minnesota, uses polling to make sure students understand the main points of a lesson. She explains, “We were studying poetry and talking about novels in verse. Since this was the first time that most students had encountered the format, I wanted to see if they knew what novels in verse were. I created this poll as an exit slip for the class. I could click on students’ answers and see their names associated with their response. This helped me get an at-a-glance view of who understood the concept and who didn't.”![[edu]NovelInVerse.png](https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/images/NovelInVerse.width-100.format-webp.webp)
2. Help students self-monitor
Mike Fricano, a high school teacher at the Iolani School in Hawaii, teaches a makerspace course called Make It 101. He polled his class to see if his students were on track for meeting a project deadline. Fricano says, “When I sent out this poll, I could see who was on schedule and who was at risk of missing their deadline. For those who reported being "way off track,"I met with them to help them get back on schedule. I will continue to use multiple choice polls like this to check in on deadlines and gauge interest in future projects.”![[edu]ToyTakeApart.png](https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/images/ToyTakeApart.width-100.format-webp.webp)
3. Guide student discussions
Heidi Bernasconi, a teacher at Clarkstown North High School in New York, used polling to help guide a career discussion with her students. “I wanted to discuss skills and qualities employers are looking for from graduates,” Bernasconi says. “I kicked off the discussion with a poll, which led us to review a Forbes article. I allowed students to see each others’ posts so they could get a feel for what others felt was important. ”![[edu]Question.png](https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/images/Question.width-100.format-webp.webp)
4. Get feedback on your lesson from students
Allyson Greene of Barrett Elementary School in Virginia uses polls to understand what her students liked best about a lesson. She says, “We were doing a unit on electricity and forces and I wanted to see which part of the unit was the most fun for them. Setting up a poll was very easy.”![[edu] MostEnjoy.png](https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-uniblog-publish-prod/images/MostEnjoy.width-100.format-webp.webp)
We also recently updated our Android and iOS mobile apps. Teachers can now draft any type of post or reuse existing posts from any of their classes. Android users also now have a notifications center, where they can see what’s new in their classes. Plus, Android teachers can post to multiple classes.
Get in touch on Google+ or Twitter and let us know how you’re using polling in your class.