Explore new careers with the first virtual Take Your Classroom to Work Day
For 21 years, Take Your Child To Work Day has helped kids understand what moms and dads do all day after they leave the house. And even if kids don't realize it at the time, it also serves an important role in helping youngsters learn about what kinds of jobs they could do when they grow up. Unfortunately, not all kids are lucky enough to get these opportunities.
Today, we’re giving kids everywhere a chance to “visit” some of the world’s most exciting workplaces. Working with Forbes, Connected Classrooms is hosting 18 virtual field trips to places like the Georgia Aquarium, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Stanford National Lab and the Chicago Bulls locker room, using Google Hangouts. Professionals from all walks of life will discuss their day-to-day roles and how they got there, so students—regardless of budget or geography—can be exposed to a wide range of careers and get excited about their future.
The full list of events is available on Forbes’ site, but here’s a preview of what you can expect:
- Learn about careers in government with U.S. Senator for Connecticut, Eric Murphy
- Watch the behind-the-scene production of the morning bell ceremony at NASDAQ
- Hear how chef Keizo Shimamoto created the ramen burger sensation
- Get an inside look at running a magazine with Forbes editor Randall Lane
- See how YouTube celebrity chef, Laura Vitale, runs her own online cooking show
- Explore monster movie making with the Stan Winston School of Special Effects

We hope you’ll tune in at 6am PT for the first career hangout, and check out Connected Classrooms throughout the day for new, live field trips.