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How we’re building accessibility into our Chromebooks around the world

Drawing of a Chromebook with the shape of Kenya outlined, with icons depicting accessibility features like a magnifier and text to speech

A student opening his new Chromebook in Kenya

The students in Kenya were so excited about their new devices!

A fellow Googler teaching Chromebook Accessibility to teachers at the Likoni School for the Visually Impaired, in Mombasa, Kenya.

Members of the Google Accessibility Team with teachers at the Likoni School for the Visually Impaired, in Mombasa, Kenya May 2024.

Googlers teaching Chromebook Accessibility to teachers at the Likoni School for the Visually Impaired, in Mombasa, Kenya.

Here I am teaching Chromebook accessibility skills to the teachers in Kenya

Using Select to Speak, the screen magnifier will automatically follow the words so you don’t lose your place.

Change your Chromebook mouse cursor size

We’re adding the ability to turn off the blinking text cursor

Updated keyboard shortcuts and first-letters navigation in Google Drive

Turn on dark mode to make the background dark with light text, instead of the reverse.

Sugeily is using a VEX Robot, an interactive, programmable robot. Learners can code the robot using touch to control movements and sounds. They learn sequences, logic and problem solving.

The car-shaped Sphero indi learning robot is designed to introduce learners to the fundamentals of computational thinking, STEAM, and computer science principles. While coding the car, Mysabel made a connection between the robot car and herself, noting that they both have eyes.

Dash Robot empowers students to explore loops, events, conditions, and sequences in an interactive way. Pictured here, Nick is writing music code to make Dash play the xylophone.

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