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Google Earth, class is now in session

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Just click the new "Education" category on the Voyager homepage for new stories, complete with classroom activities for teachers
Join one leg of a 21,000-mile cultural journey with National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek in Africa.
Explore the last Pristine Seas with Dr. Enric Sala as he works to restore the health and productivity of our planet's oceans.
National Geographic Society created activities showing how Google Earth can be used in the classroom.
Trace the waterways of the American West with Lewis and Clark
Teachers using PBS Education’s Age of Encounters can ask students: How do you think these ships chose their ocean routes?
PBS Education’s Vikings teaches about the Vikings who were exploring the sea 500 years before Christopher Colombus
Spanning Oregon to Mozambique, students can learn about science in the field with HHMI Biointeractive
Students can learn how scientists measure mammal extinctions, using fossils spanning millions of years.
Explore  the Costa Rica Thermal Dome Hope Spot where you can follow marine biologists in the field tagging turtles, tracking sharks and more.

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