Stay organized in 2019 with new features in Classroom

A new calendar year brings an opportunity for a fresh start. One resolution we often hear instructors make is that they hope to keep their classrooms (both physical and virtual!) organized and clean. While we can’t help with those lockers and backpacks, we can help teachers online. So to start the year off on the right foot, we’re introducing updates to help you stay organized and revealing a fresh new look for the Classroom you know and love. Check out our brand new video below for a quick look inside Google Classroom.
Drag and drop on the Classwork page
Last fall, we rolled out the new Classwork page, where instructors can stay organized and map out their classes. But, we know that teachers organize their classes in distinct ways and need additional flexibility in their classroom tools.
So now, you can drag and drop entire topics and individual Classwork items, rearranging them easily on the page. You can drag an entire topic to a specific location on the Classwork page, or drag individual items within—and in between—topics. This functionality launched last year on mobile, and now it’s time for it to hit the web.

A fresh new look for Classroom
Starting today, you’ll also see that Classroom has a fresh new look and feel, first on the web, and soon in the Classroom mobile apps. Back in 2014, we introduced Google’s new material theme to have more consistency across Google products and platforms. Among the changes, you’ll see a more intuitive design flow—plus a new approach to shape, color, iconography and typography, on both the web and the mobile app. We’re also making the class code easier to access and project so students can easily find and join. And finally, we’re introducing 78 new themes with custom illustrations, ranging from history to math to hair dressing to photography. Now, you can customize your Classroom more than ever before.

New tools, new trainings
With new tools and changes comes the need for more support. In the Teacher Center, you’ll find updated videos in our First Day of Classroom trainings with the new design and features we rolled out in 2018. While we’re at it, we built a new and improved Help Center, combined with our Community and product forum.