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5 female news founders you should know

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Kara Meyberg Guzman - CEO/Co-founder, Santa Cruz Local

This is a photo of a woman in a white jacket in front of a black background with her arms crossed.

Santa Cruz Local staffers Natalya Dreszer, Kara Meyberg Guzman and Stephen Baxter record an episode of the Santa Cruz Local podcast. (Photo via Jacob Meyberg Guzman — Santa Cruz Local)

This is a photo of three individuals around a table and microphones.

Micaela Arbio Grattone - Co-founder of Feminacida

This is a photo of a woman looking down at her phone in front of a black background.

Members of Feminacida doing a press coverage during the parliamentary debates to pass the abortion bill in 2020.

This is a photo of women posing together wearing masks.

Carolina Oms, Brazil – co-founder of AzMina

This is a photo of a woman holding up a phone in front of a street.

The women of AzMina at work.

This is a photo of women at a table with laptops.

Photo of Bhanupriya Rao – founder of BehanBox, based in India

This is a photo of a woman smiling wearing glasses in front of a light background.

A collage of all of BehanBox’s reporters who have diligently been reporting on gender issues in India.

A collage of all of BehanBox’s reporters who have diligently been reporting on gender issues in India. The photos are set against a yellow background with the word "reporters with [an] ear to the ground" above them.

Bhanupriya stays motivated by the real changes she sees happening. “Through investigative reporting on how the Indian state is failing the healthcare workers or exposing the complicity of India's premier technical institute towards gender-based violence, we are holding our institutions accountable,” she says. “Our stories on marginalized women — whether by disability, caste, religion — try to expose gaps and show how policies and laws need to be reframed and better implemented.”

“Whenever I hear about our stories influencing real-time policy changes and creating impact, it drives us to stand steadfast on our mission,” she adds.

Photo of Masuma Ahuja – founder of Girlhood, based in the United Kingdom

This is a photo of a woman in front of a leafy background.

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