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Survey says, "Plug in, Washington"

A new survey commissioned by shows that three out of four voters support an active government role in promoting plug-in electric cars and trucks. The poll of more than 700 likely voters covered topics ranging from knowledge about plug-ins to opinions on how the government should promote them.

Plug-in electric vehicles run like regular hybrid cars, except they have larger batteries, recharge from a standard wall outlet, and can go more miles with less gas. Some plug-ins are purely electric and don’t need gasoline at all. Given today's record-high gas prices and concerns about energy security, plug-ins represent a promising solution for reducing oil dependence, reducing the cost of driving, and fighting global warming.

Poll data showed a majority of voters said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports federal efforts to bring plug-ins to the market, and more than 60 percent of voters are willing to spend more money to own a plug-in vehicle.

Over the next two days, and the Brookings Institution are hosting a conference in Washington, DC, "Plug-in Electric Vehicles 2008: What Role for Washington?" The conference will bring together Members of Congress, auto and utility executives, technologists, and plug-in advocates to spotlight plug-ins, examine their potential, and explore different federal policies to promote them.

For more on the survey, check out our summary of findings or the complete survey results. For more on using public policy to advance plug-ins, see Getting Policymakers to Plug-In.

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