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9 Android features to support workplace accessibility

UI image of the TalkBack settings screen where people can turn the feature on or off
UI image of the Sound Amplifier settings screen where people can access the feature
UI image of the Navigation mode settings screen where people can choose how to navigate their device

More Information


BrailleBack is no longer required to connect to a braille display


Requires Android version 6.0 or up. Learn how to check your Android version.


To turn on TalkBack, options vary based on the device manufacturer, Android version and TalkBack version.


To find out if you can use RTT with your device and service plan, check with your carrier. RTT uses call minutes, just like a voice call.


Headphones required for this feature


Some of the set up steps only work on Android 12 and up and/or people touch the screen.


If people can't tap the screen, they’ll need some help to get started


Check requirements for Action Blocks

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