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Sharing what’s new and coming next with Android Enterprise

We’ve built Android to help power the connected workforce of the future. With a growing lineup of Android Enterprise Recommended devices and services, leadership in mobile security and flexible platform tools, Android gives organizations plenty of options. At Google Cloud Next ’19, we shared more about how Android can benefit your organization, and offered a preview of some of the features we’re working on for Android Q.

If you weren’t able to attend the event, or would just like a refresher on any of the sessions, here’s an overview of the ones that are now available on YouTube:

My engineering team’s work on Android Q has focused on an improved end user experience, more controls for IT, and enhanced security tools. For example, we've addressed many top feature requests, such as an API for consolidating personal and work calendars and separate input methods for work and personal apps.

As 2019 rolls on, we’re looking forward to continuing Android’s momentum and impact on organizations of all sizes.

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