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5 of our favorite Android widget features

A green Android wallpaper featuring a light green flower. In the foreground, a selection of Google Android widgets are displayed.
Dark green Android wallpaper showing a bamboo palm with the Google nearby traffic widget laid over the top. The widget shows a local map of traffic levels and zooms in and out.
An Android background with light purple orchids. In the foreground, the Gmail widget animates through the archive feature. An email arrives in the inbox, the archive button is tapped and the email disappears.
A light peach-colored pastel background, with the Google Keep widget in the foreground. The widget scrolls through a list of items to pack for vacation.
Light orange Android wallpaper of a flower stamen. In the foreground a user scrolls through the Google translate widget, with selected saved translations to use.
Light green Android wallpaper showing a green flower. In the foreground, an animation of different Google Drive widgets resizes.

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