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Stay productive and connected with these new Android features

Using Assistant At a Glance widget on an Android phone to view helpful information, using the new Webex by Cisco app on Android Auto to join a conference call and using Image Q&A on an Android phone to ask questions to an AI-generated image description

See information, when you need it, with the new Assistant At a Glance widget.

On the home screen of an Android phone, the Assistant At a Glance widget is showing the current weather and upcoming flight information.

Ask follow-up questions to AI-generated image descriptions using Image Q&A on Lookout.

Using Image Q&A on Lookout on an Android phone to hear an AI-generated image description and ask follow-up questions.

Add your passes into your Google Wallet via Pass photo import.

Adding a gym pass to Google Wallet via a photo of the barcode on an Android phone.

Browse and join Zoom and Webex by Cisco meetings on Android Auto.

Browsing Webex by Cisco and Zoom meeting schedules on Android Auto on a car dashboard.

Set up activity and sleep data in personal Routines.

Using Google Assistant on an Android phone to set up a morning Routine that lets you hear the number of hours slept the night before.

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