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Shake up your routine with help from YouTube creators

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When I wake up, the first thing I do is say, “Hey Google, good morning,” and the Google Assistant gives me the weather report, tells me how long my commute will take, and turns on the news. This is something we call a Routine, which means one command will set a bunch of actions in motion. The Google Assistant has a bunch of ready-made Routines, or you can make a Custom Routine, as my teammate recently did when he threw a party. When he said, “Hey Google, it’s time to party,” the lights dimmed, the music played, and the disco ball started to spin.

This got us thinking—what would other folks create if we challenged them to come up with their own Custom Routines? To figure it out, we partnered with six top YouTubers who put their own spin on Custom Routines:


To help you get started with creating your own Custom Routines at home, we developed a set of how-to videos. Here’s how-to get this party started:

How-to get this party started with the Google Assistant

For more information, check out the Google Assistant Routine help page and check out all the videos on our playlist.

Now, cue the disco ball.

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