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The Keyword

Tired of memorizing p4ssw0rd$? The new Chrome has your back.

Never remember a p4ssw0rd again, with Chrome’s updated password manager.

A computer screen displays a dialog box to log into a website. An email address is entered into the "email" field. Then a cursor clicks into the password box and a new dialog box shows the option to select a strong password. The cursor selects this and clicks "register now". Then a new dialog box from Chrome that says "Password saved". The animation then shows these saved credentials being used to log into the website on a mobile phone and on another computer.

Manage all your stored information (credit cards, addresses, etc.) from the main toolbar.

A Chrome browser window has a dialog box opened that displays details about the account that is being synced. At the top of the dialog box are a photo and email address. Below this are links to passwords, payment methods, and addresses.

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