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Help Me Out: How can I organize my Chrome tabs?

An animated gif of an illustration of a Chrome browser where one, then two, then three...and then infinite tabs keep opening on the bar.

Right click a tab and select “Add tab to new group” to find grouping options, including color-coding.

A screenshot of a Chrome browser with two tabs open. On the first tab, the arrow is right-clicking to reveal a list of options; the option "add tab to new group" is selected.

Right-clicking on the empty space at the top of your browser window will give you the option to name a window.

A zoomed-in screenshot of a Chrome tab where a right-click has revealed pop-up of a list of options including "Name window."

Can't find a tab? Cut to the chase by clicking on this arrow and searching for it directly.

A screenshot of a downward facing "v" option on the Chrome browser being selected to reveal the option to search tabs.

About the author

Molly McHugh-Johnson

Contributor, The Keyword

Molly is a writer for The Keyword. She focuses on feature stories about what's going on at Google, from AI projects to new devices.

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