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A new way to browse hotels on Google

Earlier this year, we redesigned our hotel search experience so you can more easily explore and filter for hotels on your mobile device. We see that travelers love interacting with the new mobile features—so beginning today, we’re bringing the same modern look and feel to Hotel Search on desktop, too.

Now, when you search for hotels in Honolulu for example, you can browse hotel results easily with:

  • Photos from the hotel or fellow travelers
  • Hotel information, such as neighborhood and location
  • Hotel reviews from around the web that can be searched by keywords like “air conditioning”

  • None

    Browse hotel results on Google

  • None

    Get an overview of hotel information and details

  • None

    Compare hotel room prices

  • None

    Read hotel reviews from around the web

  • None

    See a description of the hotel 

  • None

    View photos from the hotel or fellow travelers

This new hotel experience will be rolled out globally. We hope this makes planning your holidays and 2019 travels just a little bit easier.

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