Recruiting gets easier with candidate discovery in Hire by Google

On average, companies engage with 250 candidates before finding the single candidate they want to hire. Often, many of the 249 that don’t get hired are a great fit for future openings—but companies haven’t always had an easy way to identify past candidates that might be a good match for new jobs.
That’s why we’re excited that today, Hire by Google is introducing candidate discovery in beta. Candidate discovery is an intuitive search capability that gives recruiters a head start by helping them quickly create a short list of past candidates who are a fit for new positions. This saves recruiters time, because they can now easily identify and re-engage known candidates instead of spending time trying to find new ones.
With this new candidate discovery functionality, recruiters and hiring managers can now:
- Find qualified candidates immediately upon opening a job. The first step in filling a role should be checking who you already know that fits the job criteria. Candidate discovery creates a prioritized list of past candidates based on how their profile matches to the title, job description and location.
- Use a search capability that understands what they are looking for. Candidate discovery understands the intent of what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. It takes a search phrase like “sales manager Bay Area” and immediately understands the skills and experiences relevant to that job title, as well as which cities are part of the Bay Area. That means the search results will include candidates with sales management skills even if their past job titles are not an exact keyword match.
- Easily search by previous interactions with candidates. Hire lets recruiters search and filter based on the previous interactions with the candidate, such as the type of interview feedback they received or whether you extended them an offer before. Candidates with positive feedback will rank higher in search results than those without, and candidates who received an offer in the past but declined it will rank higher than those who were previously rejected.
Hire customers who participated in the Trusted Tester program for this capability have found that it helps them fill jobs faster. Teresa Olsen, Director of Talent Acquisition at Productive Edge, says: “Candidate discovery is intuitive in a way I’ve never seen before. I’ve never had a system find relevant candidates so quickly, even understanding acronyms. I’m really impressed that it pulls up the different iterations with a single search term.”
The new candidate discovery capability is available in beta to all Hire by Google customers. Learn more about how Hire can help you recruit faster today.