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How we built Immersive View for routes on Maps

Three phones showing different screens from Immersive View for routes

Different map layers showing object labels, elevation, vegetation and color.

Four photos showing different layers in Google Maps

Visualization of our models aligning 3D aerial imagery to Street View data.

A 3D image being overlaid on another image to match height data

Our AI labels helpful object categories like sidewalks, street signs, speed limit signs, road names, addresses, posted business hours and building entrances.

A photo of a crosswalk and a simplified photo that only shows the different types of objects in

A preview of the route overlaid on 3D terrain.

A 360-degree view of Coit Tower with a highlighted path leading to it.

Using aggregate traffic data, our models simulate what traffic might look like at any given time.

Dozens of simulated yellow cars driving through a complex intersection on the left, and how it appears in Immersive View for routes on the right.

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