Explore new augmented reality features in Google Maps

Augmented reality (AR) in Google Maps offers new ways to explore places and find things to do. Last week, we shared how this technology is helping visitors and locals navigate Paris this summer. Here's a closer look at the new immersive experiences that let you not only explore the city’s iconic landmarks, but also interact and engage with them.
New ways to explore with AR in Maps
When you search for a location in Google Maps that offers AR content, you can explore it right from the app. Simply touch the "AR Experience" icon and raise your device to view it from Lens in Maps. If you’re not at the landmark, you can still view the experience from anywhere in the world using Street View.
AR experience of Eiffel Tower via Street View
With AR, you can transport back to the 1900s to experience architectural concepts of the Eiffel Tower that were never realized or see the Exposition Universelle country pavilions that were temporarily built along the Seine for the 1900s World Fair. To learn more about these landmarks, check out the interactive info cards that dive deeper into their history and culture.
Simulation of AR experience in Lens in Maps of Exposition Universelle country pavilions
Later this summer, you’ll also be able to go back even further in time to experience historically accurate AR reimaginings of 18th-century Paris. Visit Notre-Dame Cathedral and its surroundings as it existed in 1789, explore a 3D recreation of the Bastille Saint-Antoine prior to the French Revolution, or tour the storied Palais des Tuileries before its demolition hundreds of years ago.
Left Image: Lens in Maps AR experience of La Bastille. Right Image: Lens in Maps AR experience of Notre Dame
These experiences come to life thanks to our work with Google Arts & Culture and Ubisoft. Check it out on Google Maps and be on the lookout for more content in the future.