Now you can see your Google Calendar events in Google Maps
In our latest update, Google Maps teams up with Google Calendar to make it even easier to get where you need to go. Starting today, Android users worldwide will start to see their Google Calendar events on Google Maps. So whether you're heading to a family dinner or getting subway directions to a birthday party, you can now quickly and easily access your events directly from the map.
To ensure that your events appear on Google Maps, enter the address in the “Where” box when you create an event in Google Calendar. As long as you’re signed into both Google Calendar and Google Maps, the next time you open Google Maps you’ll see your Google Calendar events right there on the map. We've also introduced a new "Upcoming" tab where you'll see a list of your upcoming events. Simply open the sidebar menu, tap “Your Places” and then tap “Upcoming.” If you don’t want to see specific events on the map, you can hide them by tapping on the event from the map and then tapping “Dismiss.”

Seeing your Google Calendar events on Google Maps is the newest way to save time and make the most of every day. Here's a list of existing Google Maps features that help you personalize your experience by surfacing important information where it matters most.
Save home and work addresses
A lot of trips start or end from home and work, so save your home and work addresses to get directions in seconds. You can also add a little flair to your map by using your favorite sticker to mark home and work on the map. Search for “Home” in Google Maps or open “Your Places” to get started.
Label frequently visited places or upcoming destinations
Want to be able to simply say “OK Google, navigate to daycare?” You can. Just open Google Maps, search for the address you want to label, press the label button, and enter a name. The next time you type the name into the search box in Google Maps, your label will be a suggested result.
Your bookings and reservations from Gmail
When you receive confirmation emails for hotel, flight or restaurant reservations in Gmail, we show that information in Google Maps for easy access when on the go. These events also appear in the new “Upcoming” tab in “Your Places.”
See your Google contacts on the map
Your Google contacts will appear on Google Maps as well. Rather than memorizing your coworker or cousin’s address, you can get directions by typing their name in the search box (as long as you have an address attached to their contact info).

To manage all your personal content and how it appears on Google Maps, you can use the new personal content manager under the settings tab in the side menu. Simply toggle off what you don’t want to show and toggle on what’s most helpful to you.