See your messages with local businesses in Google Maps

Last year we enabled users in select countries to message businesses from the Business Profiles on Google. Sending messages to businesses gives you the opportunity to ask questions without having to make a phone call so that you can order a cake for your mom’s birthday while on the bus or find out if a shoe store has your size without having to wait on hold.
Now you’ll see your messages with the businesses you connect with via Business Profiles within the Google Maps app, where you’re already looking for things to do and places to go or shop. You’ll find these messages in the side menu of both Google Maps for Android and iOS. With these messages in Maps, you’ll never have to worry about accidentally sending “I love you, Mom” to that shoe store you’ve been sending messages to.
As this rolls out, Google users in additional countries worldwide will be able to message with businesses for the very first time. So no matter where you are, as long as a local business has enabled messages, you’ll be able to connect with them in a tap. Just look for the “message” button on Business Profiles on Google Search and Maps.
On the flip side, businesses that want to accept messages from customers can install the new Google My Business app from Google Play or the App Store to sign up and enable messages. The new Google My Business app makes it even easier for businesses to stay in touch with their customers in real-time and on the go.
Whether you’re looking for the best burger in town or a restauranteur trying to get your new burger in front of neighborhood tastemakers, Google Maps helps bring you together.