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Take a snowy stroll with Street View

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Every year when it gets colder outside, 
I find myself waiting at the window wide-eyed. 
I see wind and some rain, and I sometimes see ice, 
But there’s one particular weather pattern that’s so seasonally nice. 

It can be fluffy or sticky, and it’s often bright white,
And it’s usually the cause of a most festive fight. 
When the temperature drops and the clouds look just so, 
I pull out my ski jacket and get ready for—yes!—snow!

Now if you look outside and see no snowflakes in sight, 
I have a travel solution that requires no flights: 
You can journey to snowy lands all over the globe, 
Use Google Maps Street View—you can even wear your bathrobe. 

Visit this street in Norway, and imagine you hear, 
The pitter-patter of strolling reindeer.

Image showing a road with cliff on one side and water on the other. Snow is off in the distance.

Then some miles south in Nuuksio, Finland
You’ll see perfect snow that the Northern Lights skim.

Image showing a clearing in a snowy forest at night. Above the tree line, the Northern Lights are glowing green.

Staying in Europe but moving farther east
On a winter wonderland, your eyes will feast!

Image showing a forest and trees all covered in snow.

When you’re ready, we’ll head west to France
And watch skiers fly down the snow in their dance.

Image showing skiers skiing down a mountain surrounded by snowy peaks.

Now if you thought things already looked cold,
Just wait until you check out the actual South Pole.

Image showing various countries flags stuck in the snow near the South Pole.

Things are much warmer for these monkeys in Japan
They’ve got themselves a hot tub, all they need is a tan.

Image showing monkeys in a rock pool hot spring surrounded by snow.

Thanks for joining me here, and listening to my poem,
Or perhaps, given the subject, you could call it a snow-em.

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