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The background on Google Meet backgrounds

A collage of different Meet backgrounds, including a lantern-filled street, an illustrated sky with clouds and field of flowers with a modern metal structure over it. In the center of the collage is a Google Meet icon.

Google Meet’s seasonal Ramadan background featuring softly glowing lighting in an outdoor marketplace.

An animated gif of a man looking at the screen and talking, indicating he’s in a video meeting. Behind him is a superimposed background of a lantern-filled street.

Background effects are now more accurate for Google Meet users on the web. Thanks to improved background and foreground separation, users can experience more accurate background blur, background replace and immersive background and styles.

Animated gif of a man wearing glasses and a hat looking into a camera and waving and smiling. There's a green screen-like effect in the background, where everything behind him is purple but it appears to be concealing his actual settings. At first, the purple is only semi-successful at this; then you see the screen change and the purple more accurately surround the man and conceal his background.

Meet started with simple blurred backgrounds (left) but has quickly evolved to fully custom and meticulously designed spaces (right) that are correctly scaled with realistic perspectives for calls.

Two side by side images. The first is a woman wearing glasses and smiling. She’s looking into the camera and her background is blurred. The next image is of a living room with a blue couch and pillows. The walls are painted blue and there is a cabinet with various items including a vase of flowers. There is a tapestry hanging on the wall.

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