Get the full news story with Full Coverage in Search
This past year has reminded us that the most important news stories are often complex and ever-evolving. Stories like the COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S. elections played out over many months, with myriad threads and developments all happening at once. People are hungry for context that helps them break down and understand these complicated stories from multiple perspectives.
In 2018, we first introduced the Full Coverage feature as part of Google News. With just a tap, people can see top news, local headlines, in-depth pieces, explainers, interviews and more on a developing news story. We’re now bringing Full Coverage to Search, making it easier for more people to explore all aspects of a story from a variety of perspectives.
When you’re searching for information on a timely topic, you see a carousel of articles at the top of your Search results highlighting relevant news. Now for big, developing news stories, you can tap into a Full Coverage page after scrolling to the end of the top stories carousel or by selecting “More news on...” right below the carousel.
Explore different angles of a news story with Full Coverage in Search.

With this launch, we’re introducing new technology that is able to detect long-running news stories that span many days, like the Super Bowl, to many weeks or months like the COVID-19 pandemic. We then organize the Full Coverage page to help people easily find top news along with additional content like explainers and local coverage that are helpful to understanding these complex stories.
Full Coverage in Search is available today on mobile devices, beginning with English in the U.S. and rolling out to more languages and locations in the coming months.