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News Showcase is launching in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

an illustration of three different people looking at news on their smartphones

Logos of our News Showcase partners in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

This image shows logos of our partners in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for News Showcase: 15min, Kas Vyksta, LA/TV24 Group, Latvijas Televīzija, Lietuvos Nacionalinis Radijas ir Televizija , Naujienų centras, Naujosios medijos grupe, Ohtuleht, Postimees and TVnet Grupa

An example of how News Showcase will look with some of our partners in the Baltics.

An example of how a variety of News Showcase panel types will look with some of our partners in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Examples of how some publishers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will appear using  News Showcase panels.

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