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135 countries and counting: travel the world with #teampixel

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Wondering what our community of Pixel photographers has been up to lately? Check out this week’s selects, from a dancer’s impeccable form (yay burst mode!) to finding love in the streets of Spain. #teampixel photos have been geo-tagged and posted from 135 countries and counting—shout out to our community for their amazing work! 👏 👏 👏

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    Left: @arpiture - “Becca’s barn, Michigan.” Right: @mispellings - “Taken at the Berserker Lava Field, the iconic mossy bumps are made from ancient lava flow.”
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    Left: @munkimatt - “It's been a bit chilly in the North of England and our little puppy, Chip, dug himself into a fluffy sofa.” Right: @eugenemage - “I don't consider myself a photographer but with my Pixel 2 and Snapseed I can pretend to be.”
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    Left: @matthewarkinauthor - “My daughter, Abigail, an amazing dancer . . . flies.” Right: @milesstorey - “The city of Granada celebrates Valentines with love in the air!”
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    @michael_motive - “Taken at Arches National Park in Moab, Utah. This Arch is one of the ‘Windows.’”
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    Left: @tygalatiansart - “A beautiful day at the beach.” Right: @victorbertrand - “Walking through the busy, foggy streets of downtown Toronto.”

We’d love to see more of your Pixel photos, so keep tagging them with #teampixel and you might be featured next.

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